-bedroom Not Specified for rent at Yard 2, Derwenthaugh Industrial Estate, Swalwell, Gateshead, NE16 3BQ

Yard 2, Derwenthaugh Industrial Estate, Swalwell, Gateshead, NE16 3BQ Newcastle upon Tyne
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  • Not Specified - Not Specified ()
  • 18256 sq. ft.
24 hour access,Excellent road connections,Open storage,Out of Town,24hr security
Quoting Rent £15000.00

This small estate offers a range of different styles and sizes of building comprising traditional office and workshop / storage space with the additional benefit of adjoining secure compounds.
There are a series of secure yards on the site which are more clearly identified on the attached site plan. Each is finished in either concrete or hardcore with security fencing and double access gates. There are connections of water and electricity to each compound and where possible a foul drainage connection.

The Derwenthaugh Industrial Estate is strategically located immediately adjacent to the A1 Western Bypass approximately 4 miles to the west of Newcastle City Centre and Gateshead town centre and within only ½ mile of the MetroCentre.

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